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8 Steps to Create Your Life - Part 4

By Naomi Whitfeld Seperating dot 27.01.2022

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If so, then you’re ready for STEP 4- MORNING RITUALS!

You’ve heard the saying “Start the way you want to finish”?
Well, this applies to our day too!


We can’t control the things that happen around us during the day, but we can control getting our day off to a great start.
If you start rising a little earlier, you’ll have plenty of time to dedicate to doing something that feeds your soul.

The previous steps in our 8-part series help set us up to be ready to bring attention to our morning rituals because they include:
- being organised.
- getting a good nights sleep to wake up refreshed.

The whole tone for the day ahead is set by the magic of a mindful moment as the morning transitions from dark to light.
When your body wakes up with the clock of the earth, the fresh hope it holds for the day ahead brings a new outlook to your thoughts and focus.

This is the time of the day you can “buy for yourself”.

You may have seen the artworks I commissioned indigenous artist Hannah Lange to paint for me recently, each one representing the things I want to bring more of into my life for the new year ahead.
One of them was called “Morning Dew”.

I have this artwork next to my bed and it inspires me to set my intention for the morning as I prepare for sleep each night, and to stick with my goal when I wake.
“I will connect with the magic of the morning while the dew is fresh on the leaves.”

Having an affirmation I say to myself helps keep me on track with my goal for morning rituals.

But even though we know something is good for us doesn’t always mean it’s easy.

During the constant challenges we faced over the last year, I found my workload increased dramatically, and the daily demands become unpredictable. As a result, I often found myself selling out my early morning rituals thinking I “should” be using the time to get ahead on my workload or catch a little more sleep.

The wonderful Jay Shetty who wrote the book “Think Like A Monk” says “It’s better to have a rule and break it, than not have a rule at all.”

Remind yourself of this, if you find yourself falling back on any of your goals, and don’t give up on them, just start again. We are all human!

Having an affirmation, and the visual reminder of the dew drops on the leaves inspires me to stay on track to rise early, and dedicate this bonus time to doing things that feed my soul - “me-time”.

Let the suns new rays of light catch your face.
Breathe in the dawn.
Feel the early morning dew under your bare feet.
This sacred time is powerful.

Even if you are tired, just get up and go outside and breathe in the energy.

Focus on the gratitude of life, and the infinite possibilities it holds. Feel your entire perspective and energy shift.

Honour this time by not checking your phone.

Allow the magic of the dawn to inspire you.

What things would the early morning give you time to enjoy that you have been sacrificing recently?

Exercise?   Meditation?   Yoga?   Journaling?

Here are my favourite wellbeing and home spa rituals that I choose a selection of to start my day with feel-good vibes before I eat a delicious breakfast:

- Dry body brushing
- Sipping a glass of warm water and lemon juice
- Working up a sweat with cardio exercise
- Keeping my body strong with a gym session
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Turning a shower ritual into a spa experience
- A self-massage with aromatherapy oil
- Stretching
- Breathwork
- A bike ride
- A walk in nature

It can take a while to get into a natural rhythm, so here’s 3 tips to help:

1. Be consistent with your pattern of sleep and wake times.

2. Get organised the night before- decide in detail what you will do and prepare what you need ready.

3. Honour the sacredness of the new day by not looking at your phone first thing. Instead start with an affirmation before your feet touch the ground “It’s going to be a wonderful day!”

Before you know it you’ll be waking at a regular earlier time and bound out of bed to enjoy a boost to your wellbeing.

What would you love to do this week when you start your day early as the sun rises and the morning dew is still on the leaves?

I hope this inspires you!
x Naomi

To inspire you and honour this gift of the morning, we’ve created a special “Create your Day” kit.
It includes step-by-step instructions to enjoy each of the home spa rituals it contains.
It also has a mini “Morning Dew” artwork with an affirmation to go next to your bed!

Naomi Whitfeld is the Founder of iKOU and author of the book "Energise your life".
Her passion for inspiring others to live a life of wellness & joy shines through in everything she does.
As an intuitive Aromatherapist, Naomi incorporates mind & body benefits into all she creates, believing we respond best when we treat as a 'whole".
Winner of the Telstra Business Women's Award for "Entrepreneur of the Year", Naomi has a particular interest in supporting busy women to enjoy rituals of self-care on a daily basis.