Take The iKOU 2-Week Challenge
If you are feeling off track with your wellbeing, tired and stressed and not sure where to start, then start with sleep!
Sleep is our Number #1 iKOU Wellness Tip.
When you are exhausted, you can't function to your full potential, and this impacts every other aspect of your life and health.
If you’re wondering “How can I sleep better?” This section is for you!
1. Create a peaceful bedroom sanctuary. Light a candle, turn off the lights in preparation, have fresh, clean or misted bedlinen.
2. Incorporate the essential oil benefits of aromatherapy into your pre-sleep routine.
3. Have a hot bath about 2 hours before you sleep. It raises the body temperature, which then drops rapidly causing the release of melatonin (the sleep hormone)
4. Drink herbal lavender & chamomile tea to wind down before bed (you can also keep a glass next to the bed to sip on if you wake in the night)
5. Keep an aromatherapy rollette next to your bed and apply to temples, under nose and chest if you wake.
6. Avoid screen time in the hour or two before sleep, meditate or read a relaxing book instead.
7. Don’t worry if you wake up at night. It is normal for us to wake several times between sleep cycles. Turn your anxiety into gratefulness for the comfort of your bed, the softness of your pillow and the safety of your home.
8. If you have a partner who snores, silicone earplugs are amazing!
9. Get into a rhythm of sleeping and waking at the same time, and get out in some sunlight during the day.
10. Honour the importance of adequate quality sleep each night by going to bed early enough to get the hours you need, and giving your mind time to wind down.