Exercise is my other favourite “tool” that keeps me moving forward in my journey of wellbeing.
Our bodies are designed to move, and physical exercise each day boosts the health of our heart and muscles, as well as our mental wellbeing.
My advice here?
*Don’t mistake “motivation” with success.
The truth is- no matter where you are in your wellness journey, you will never feel motivated 100% of the time.
If you rely on feeling motivated to get results from exercise, you’ll set yourself up for failure of this goal.
So ignore motivation, and focus on one word:
Consistency gives encouraging results, you’ll notice you get stronger, your body more flexible, and things you previously found challenging become easier with each consistent day.
I also find the affirmation “Better done, than perfect” helps me maintain consistency. If we only exercise on the days we think we can break records, we’ll never stick to our regime.
There will be days you are a little tired or unmotivated, times you might be working through recovery from illness or injury and it’s okay to listen to your body with some rest days, or gentler sessions. But ignore the perfectionist voice that says it’s not worth doing if it’s not “winning”.
Winning is keeping consistency each day and week- that’s the thing to be most proud of!