It feels so good to share this recipe with you..
I know it will help recharge your energy quickly when you're tired and don't feel like cooking.
I actually describe this as "liquid energy", and it only takes 9 minutes to prepare, with very little involvement in cooking.
This is your dream soup to feel restored when you are tired!
The inspiration for this soup came a few years ago, when we were on holidays in one of our favourite places in the world- Tulum, Mexico.
Towards the end of our trip, Paul got a very painful dental infection, and was feeling really unwell.
It was an unsettling time, as the medical care wasn't great, and with the pain getting worse each day, we were biding our time to get back to Australia for Paul to get the help he needed.
My thoughts turned to food that would both nourish and comfort Paul through this time, and I sought out one of my favourite plant based restaurants "The Real Coconut" just up the road from our location.
I ordered their "Green Soup" of the day, and both of us could literally feel the new energy from the warming comfort of this wholesome, green soup.
I don't know the recipe, but this is my version, inspired by the power of that green soup.
I've combined it with coconut cream as a tribute to The Real Coconut, and my love of creamy comfort.
I hope you remember to draw on this whenever you are tired or depleted- it truly feels like drinking in pure, recharging energy and goodness!
The best bit- you can make enough for leftovers!