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8 Steps to Create Your Life - Part 7

By Naomi Whitfeld Seperating dot 16.03.2022

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How did you enjoy STEP 6 in our Create Your Life series?
Are you feeling great after leveraging your Sundays with meal preparation of energising food for the week ahead?

This week we’re going to look at the power of movement, both moving our body physically, and shifting our mindset emotionally.



Our bodies are designed to move, and physical exercise each day boosts the health of our heart and muscles, as well as our mental wellbeing.

How many times have you felt you were too tired to go for a walk or to the gym, but once you got out there you felt much better?
Exercise releases endorphins that make us feel good, and when performed in a balanced way, it also flushes out excess stress hormones, which I always think of as letting off steam.

If ever you feel resistance to maintaining consistency with exercise, ask yourself: When I exercise, how will I feel afterwards?
The answer is always “Alive and buzzing with feel-good endorphins”.

Your project for this week:
How can I schedule a consistent time for exercise to move my body every day?
What planning can I put in place to make it easy?

I find choosing what I will do, when I will do it, what I will wear etc in advance ensures I have no excuses or interruptions to my goals.
All I have to do is stick with the plan to get the benefits.

The power of movement is also experienced through shifting our emotions, thoughts and actions

It may sound obvious, but when we are in a negative state, like feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, the best way to change the way you feel is to move away from the situation and do something calming that resets us.
Press pause.

Changing our self-talk can have a powerful effect on the way we feel.
Our state of mind is greatly affected by the way we view and describe things.

Notice your patterns of thoughts and language:
- When people ask how you are, try shifting from a mundane ‘good’ to ‘GREAT!’
- Describe your days as ‘full’ not ‘busy’.
- When facing challenges, look for what you can be grateful about from the situation.
- Remind yourself that worry is often just the stories of what could happen that play out in your mind.

When you move your thoughts to gratitude, it switches off the fear or negativity.

Bring movement to the energy around you, by getting some fresh air, or seeking the movement of water by the sea, a waterfall, or even a bath.

Inhale the aromatherapy benefits of essential oils for an instant, transformative effect on your mood.

Try it next time you want to feel different and connect with the power of being able to bring movement to your thoughts and mind.

Energy attracts energy.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

This week bring more movement into your life and feel the way it makes you feel.
I’m cheering you on the create your life!
x Naomi

Naomi Whitfeld is the Founder of iKOU and author of the book "Energise your life".
Her passion for inspiring others to live a life of wellness & joy shines through in everything she does.
As an intuitive Aromatherapist, Naomi incorporates mind & body benefits into all she creates, believing we respond best when we treat as a 'whole".
Winner of the Telstra Business Women's Award for "Entrepreneur of the Year", Naomi has a particular interest in supporting busy women to enjoy rituals of self-care on a daily basis.