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Invitation From Naomi - iKOU Founder For Wellness 2019


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Happy New Year everyone!!!

How am I feeling on this first week of 2019? Happy, healthy and SO inspired!!!

Last year was an amazing year for us in all facets of life, and we're filled with ideas to make 2019 the best year ever for all of us! If I asked you what you wanted your daily life to be filled with for the year ahead, what would it be?

The one word that sums up everything for me is “Wellness”.

Wellness for me encompasses not only physical health, but also mental health and soul health. (Yes, “Soul” health! Not just our immunity and coping, but also what feeds our passions, our creativity and heart connection to the universe) When we experience abundant wellness as a whole, everything else flows.

Wellness gives us vibrant energy, our minds are calm and clear, we see situations from a place of positivity.

Wellness inspires us to be proactive to create life to be the best it can be in every circumstance, even challenging ones.

Wellness inspires action.

It’s funny though, as human nature goes, when our wellness is out of balance in one aspect, it can prompt actions that start a chain reaction that sabotage the actions that feed our health (both mentally and physically).

I've been analysing this subject for well over a decade now, and I'm really inspired to share a program of Wellness I’ve been working on over the next three months.

Much of what I share is based on my own challenging life experiences and the things that have worked for me (it's true, "walk a mile in someone's shoes".. the School of Life is the best teacher). I have also learnt many things from my observations over the past decade helping others through iKOU.

I'll be sharing a regular blog (this is my first one today!), releasing films and giving tips for all aspects of life. I'm so excited to share with you all!

The list of subjects I'll be covering over the next 12 weeks is below. Stay tuned via Instagram and this blog.

Join me and share this journey of Wellness together in 2019! xx Naomi

Do you want to join us in making 2019 a year of Joyful, Vibrant Wellness? Starting next week we'll begin a journey to support you in your lifestyle goals:

  • Week 1 Will cover the most common challenge: "I don't have time!"
  • Week 2: Rituals to stay inspired & de-stressed at work.
  • Week 3: How to boost and maintain energy when you're exhausted by stress.
  • Week 4: Tips for anxiety.
  • Week 5: Healing Heart rituals for dealing with grief or loss of things beyond our control.
  • Week 6: The importance of a good night's sleep and how to get it.
  • Week 7: Eczema & Skin Conditions- Breaking the cycle and loving your skin again!
  • Week 8: Exercise and it's power to boost physical and mental health, how consistency is the key, AND how to stay on track.
  • Week 9: How to feel beautiful and connect with your soft side when life has been draining your soul.
  • Week 10: Scent - The power it has to change the way you feel.
  • Week 11: Pregnancy and Self Care, what's safe and best?
  • Week 12: De-stress-On-The-Go.. staying cool, calm and collected wherever you are.